Saturday 3 April 2010

Thing 16 - Hush hush hashtags

Hashtags make sense, if only to encourage folk to focus on a particular topic. So many tweets veer into random thought territory... and oh, what a waste of time that is.

Hashtags also help speed up the virtual equivalent of passing notes around during a conference. It seems a bit subversive, somehow. I can't wait to try this one out.

Thing 15 - Oops. I just tweeted

Twitter disturbs me less than Facebook. It seems that you can put your tweets out there, anonymously and without all that 'friends' or 'friends of friends' or 'friends of friends of friends' palava. It's possible to 'follow' and 'unfollow' others on a whim. I like that, and can see how it can be used as a tool to promote products (several publishers) and publicise services (OU_library). Stay focussed though, or I'll unfollow you.

Friday 2 April 2010


It might be interesting (for me, if nobody else) to tag these posts with words that describe my reaction to each Thing. 'Yes' will feature as a tag, as well as 'Aargh'. But what is the received spelling for 'Aargh' and do we care? Although it's Old Hat now, The Aargh Page nabbed the top Google spot for several variants. Why? It provided the most frequently-used spellings of the word in a nifty clickable grid. Crikey.