Sunday 15 May 2011

Doing their own thing

I haven't had much chance do much recently, but managed to admire the greenhouse babies and the aquilegia. I love this plant; it is so generous, giving us a repeat performance of last year's display with no help from me. I also ate some of the greenhouse rocket - tasty and snail-free (although something has nibbled it slightly), but spindly. I'll try growing the next batch of rocket in a hanging basket. Haha, that will foil my slimy friends.

Monday 9 May 2011

My babies

Rain came this weekend, and now the ground feels like butter against my garden fork. All the plants are looking happier, even the babies in the greenhouse (pictured). The French beans, in the foreground, have only just popped up today. Wonderful. The sweet peas and sunflowers are progressing too. Unfortunately a squirrel has discovered the dahlia bulbs (grrr), and my chicken-wire contraption around them has something of a horse-barn-door-bolted feel to it. But never mind, the aquilegia are superb.

Tuesday 3 May 2011

More sun

The sunny weather goes on. The cistus and lavendar are thriving, but the front lawn is looking crispy. Yesterday I planted some dahlia (Garnet Quartz), potatoes (trusty Maris Piper), and a solenum cutting from my pa. Solenum, when happy, is an attractive and prolific climber. Back to work today, after a blissful long holiday, so this evening I could only wander around the garden in a slightly dazed state. Which was a good way to enjoy the sunshine. How exciting to have a new follower!