Thursday 28 April 2011

Tomato, tomahto

It was tomatoes today: Fantasio, Harbinger, and Gardener's Delight. Yes, I sowed these late, but hopefully they will flourish anyway. I also sowed some dill, which is one of my favourite herbs. There was some Echinacea in the greenhouse, just bursting to be free from three little pots. So that went into the garden, despite the ground feeling like concrete. Bring on the rain. Alium and lupins are emerging beautifully, as are the peonies.

Sunday 24 April 2011

Sizzling April

At last I have taken a photo a wallflower, just before they 'go over' in this relentless heat. Why are shy people compared to 'wallflowers'? These specimens are taking over my garden, shoving everything else aside. Hardly shy. The Liatris spicata and Eryngium planum (no, I had no idea what they were until I googled) were looking distinctly unhappy in their 9-inch pots so I set them free amongst the retreating wallflowers. Good luck, blue flowers.

Friday 22 April 2011

Hot sweet pea

Today I sowed some sweet peas (Anniversary and Bouquet) - a fragrant summer staple. The weather is unseasonably hot. It must be summer now, officially, as the neighbours' hot tub has been switched on. It's like living next to an angry fridge-freezer on speed. Such unecessary whining (not me, the hot tub). I don't understand them at all. Here is some apple blossom from my mini tree; apple trees all around have been particularly laden with it this year.

Tuesday 19 April 2011

Sunflowers this year

Today I sowed some sunflowers: Russian Giant, Velvet Queen, and some non-specific freebie ones from a publisher (strapline: Grow Your Research). Sunflowers are great - cheery, bold and beautiful. I didn't get around to sowing any last year, but a spectacular plant shot up in the front garden without any input from me. Here it is, with bee. I enjoyed it immensely.

Monday 18 April 2011

Up and away..

Forgive the appalling dad-style title; put it down to the euphoria I feel at keeping to a self-imposed challenge for more than 24 hours. I sowed some rocket (hah!) in the greenhouse, and pulled some brambles up to boot. The wallflowers have been flowering for at least three weeks now, and they are still looking big and bountiful but curiously unphotogenic. I grew them from seed two years ago, and nothing much happened with them last year. Today my colleague explained to me that they are biannual. There's a gardeny word. If I'd realised their biannualness before now I could have grown some more last year. Oh well.

Sunday 17 April 2011

Catching up

When I said 'sporadic' I meant less sporadic than this. Despite being neglected the garden has flourished in the warm spring and rewarded me with bountiful displays of daffodils, tulips, and wallflowers. I'd forgotten I had planted so many tulips, and they are all fabulous. I stopped whingeing about cat turds, and got out there a couple of times during the last two week-ends to tidy up around the edges. It's funny how when you tidy a part of the garden, the part next to it looks more scruffy than before. That's the charm of gardening, I suppose. It's April already and I haven't sown anything, so I've set myself a challenge - sow one packet of seeds every night this week.