Wednesday 3 February 2010

Thing 5 - An overdue lightbulb moment

I've just realised that I have been following several blogs for months, via Google Reader. O brave new world, indeed. Duh. Now it's time to move on from faffing about with gadgets and provide some information.

Work-related blogs I've been following include, in no order whatsoever:
  • The Scholarly Kitchen - 'what's hot and cooking in scholarly publishing'. Extensive range of wordy rants here, including 'Things about the iPad that really annoy me'. Fun.
  • Krafty Librarian - 'things of interest to a (North Amercian) medical librarian'
  • Research Information - 'the international publication for online content and information management'. This isn't really a blog, but I'll throw it in anyway.
  • Musings about Librarianship - 'keeping track of interesting and cool ideas that might be used by libraries for the benefit of users'. This blog is interesting and the author is cool in a not-taking-himself-too-seriously kind of way. And it attracts news and comments from all over the world.
  • Oxford University eResources - much closer to home; useful.
  • OxfordStaffDev - ditto.

Other blogs include:

  • Gardeners' World - 'latest news from the Team'. Helpful and motivating reminders for this gardening novice. Good on pests too.
  • Timeless Information - 'words of wisdom'. All that stuff about living a happy and successful life that we know about already, but forget. Easy to read and not patronising.
  • Pinkstinks - 'the campaign for real role models'. For anyone who is perturbed by the extreme gender stereotyping of children's clothes and toys that seems to have become the norm in this country. Yes there are weightier issues to ponder, but this one gets right under my skin. Good blog.

One of my colleagues thinks that this blog is 'a bit Forestry Commission'. Hmmph.


  1. Hi Jo

    Thanks for mentioning my blog! Glad you find it interesting. Good luck with your 23 things project!

  2. Thanks Aaron - I have a way to go, but that's really encouraging!

  3. Hi Jo.

    I have thought about doing similar, except I'm sort of unstable in the sites I follow, so it wouldn't really be representative. I removed all 30 or so of my feeds a few months ago, and now have about 10 that I might switch from as well.

    Your descriptions there are presented in a pretty simple and cool way. It's nice to see how your site is perceived, and I also appreciate the mention.

    The fish thing at the top here is fun.

  4. Armen, I appreciate your support. I'm new to this blogging/feeding thing, so it's exciting to receive compliments from more experienced folk. Thank you!
