Monday 22 February 2010

Thing 9 - As delicious as Sunday tea?

I set up a delicious account a few months ago, and then abandoned it because it wouldn't let me arrange my bookmarks into folders. And I hate feral bookmarks. Now, thanks to the good people at 23 Things Oxford Programme, I finally understand the point of tagging. This is better than folderising (?word), because one bookmark can have more than one tag. And it's easy to list the bookmarks that have been given a particular tag. And I can view the 'public' bookmarks of other people who share the same tag words. Fiendish. This is almost as good as my Sunday tea.


  1. Om nom nom! Set a place for me next Sunday!

  2. Sunday tea looks delicious!

    As for tagging on delicious, at first I was put off by the lack of folders so I could organise. Then I realised that tags were doing the same thing but better.

  3. Yep, I've seen the light re: tags too. Thanks both for saying nice things about my tea. Other people I know were Very Rude, but haven't posted their thoughts here. Which is good.
